ELA 10 Eclipse - Year 2018


Engine: 914 115HP, 20 hours, 3 blades propeller

Cell: 20 hours

Equipements : Double control for pilot and co-pilot (OK for school), lugage chest right and left front, bi-tone paint (orange and white),...

Avionic: 8.33 radio, S TRIG Mode transponder, Kanardia combo for back sit, M16 Magny Standard avionic,...

Recoverable VAT


          Price: €85 000 ex-tax

Magni Gyro M16 expert ultralight - Year 2021


Engine: Turbo Rotax 914, SP98 fuel, oil change made at 150 hours

Propeller: 8.7m aluminium rotor, 6 badles controled and adjusted by the constructor

Cell: ELA 10 eclipse, 175 hours, new tank

Equipements : Double control, heating, Ipad mini support, superior leather on pilot seat

Avionic: Radio & transponder


          Price: €157 000 including VAT

XL8 Bristell UL ultralight - Year 2021 - 525kg


Cell: year 2021, Beringer brakes

Engine: 912 ULS-2 100 CV  ,700 Hrs, Hélice E-props Durandale V20

Equipments: Parachute, navigation lights, fabric seats, white paint, trip tarpaulin

Avionic: Airspeed indicator, Kanardia altitude indicator (installed after the construction, photo not updated), altimeter, tachometer, S ADS-B Out mode transponder, Funke 8.33 radio

Recoverable VAT

          Price: €165 000 ex-tax

EVEKTOR EUROSTAR UL ultralight - Year 2005


Engine: 912 UL 80HP, O hours (820 hours), trip-blades Duc Swirl propeller

Cell: 820 hours, glass roof service report, excellent condition!

Equipments: NEW parachute, double control brakes for pilot and co-pilot (OK for school), light landings, 3 colors paint (blue, white, red), cabin heater,...

Avionic: Airspeed indicator, altitude indicator, Altimeter, tachometer, S mode transponder, KRT2 8.33 radio, Garmin GPS with 496 colors updated,...

Savannah S ultralight - Year 2019


Engine/Cell: 912 ULS-2 100HP, DUC 3 blades propeller, 33 hours


- Bi-tone paint (light grey, navy blue)

- Engine cover wheels

- Junkers parachute

- Central control / manual shutter / electrical trim

- Vortex generator

- Cabin heater

Avionic: 8.33 radio, S mode GARRECHT transponder, Standard avionic set, USB plug, compass, wing strobes, landing lights,...



Année : 2020
Heures : 270 heures évolutives
Moteur : Rotax 914 UL
Hélice : DUC Flash-2
Validité parachute : NON
Validité LSA : 2026
Date dernier entretien : Révisé pour le vente

Equipements : VHF Funke ATR8.33, EMSIS Kanardia, doubles
commandes, rotor AVERSO, chauffage cabine et sièges
chauffants, strobes + feux de nav + phares d’atterrissage
Extra : Première main,visible et essayable à Gray LFEV (70), prise en main
possible avec instructeur.


          Prix :  95 000€ HT


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